Artists Overview

Artists Overview

Becoming a One Gallery Place digital artist is easy! All you have to do is register for membership, keep an eye out for new Artist Calls, and help promote your artworks and the One Gallery Place digital arts network. We invite everyone to participate as long as the Artists can follow the Artwork Guidelines with regards to quality and originality. Of course, copyrighted material will not be allowed so be sure to make your entries all your own. And let all your fellow artisans know about our efforts so they have a chance to participate as well!

Submit your Artists Registration for Membership

Join our community by clicking the link below to submit your membership request. Upon approval, make sure to update your profile with cover images, profile photos, bios, and social links. You will be added to our periodic newsletter for news, announcements, and upcoming Artists Calls. 

Artists Registration

Keep an eye out for new Artists Calls

As we continue to build One Gallery Place we will be putting out Artist Calls for new artwork submissions. Be sure to follow the guidelines and deadlines for submissions!

Calling all Artists!

Read over the Artwork Guidelines

In order to maintain the quality of the One Gallery Place digital network and website foundation, be sure to review the Artwork Guidelines. The link below will take you to the guidelines page where you will find a downloadable Photoshop link to use for creating your .jpg images for submission. 

Artwork Guidelines

Submit your Artwork for approval

When you have completed your Photoshop file and have saved your .jpg image(s), use the following link to submit your work for approval and inclusion on the One Gallery Place digital arts network.

Artwork Submissions

Help promote One Gallery Place™ on your Social Networks

Be sure to give a shout out to all your friends and followers to help promote your work and the One Gallery Place digital arts network. In the near future we will be adding features to have our on-site social networking and will announce this when ready!

Gain Artist Stipends for your work on our Text Voting system

All artworks chosen for inclusion will be done on a location by location basis and will be subject to the One Gallery Place text voting system to determine how the sponsorship funding that has been received will be made available to each work of art (and artist) that is on display. Generally speaking, this will be done on a quarterly basis and the text voting will be held at the end of each quarter to determine how our sponsorship funds are distributed.