Our Team

Todd Bluewater


Terri Cooper


George Mirich

Director of Photography

Blue DeVai

A team of professionals, passionate about digital artwork and giving back.​


Focused and goal oriented

Our team is focused on building the One Gallery Place digital arts network and moving from location to location, city to city, state to state. Our goal is to become a beautiful publicly-displayed digital arts platform that provides artist stipends, sponsorship opportunities, and community level participation from beginners to professionals alike.


Lovers of the arts

We’ve been artists all our lives. From digital to traditional to photography, music, video and more. If it involves creativity we are all for it. We believe this will show thru in our passion to work with other artists to help showcase their work while building one of the most creative digital arts platforms utilizing the. best in today’s technology.


Technical innovators

Since 2001 we have built and rebuilt to keep up with the last in technology and to bring it all together in a means and manner to promote the arts. The One Gallery Place foundation has been studiously conceptualized from the ground up to become a mesmerizing work in and of itself, and we will keep improving into the future!

Want to join our team? We are always on the lookout for top talent!

If you like what you see on our website, or by visiting one of the One Gallery Place foundations in person let us know! We are always on the lookout for those interested in helping us grow, and offer a ton of options for everything from influencers to artists to web devs and more.